Animal Reiki
Level I and Level II
The Animal Reiki energy received in this course is a unique Reiki energy given to us as a special life force energy for the animals. The Placements given in the ICRT Animal Reiki I & II class will attune and unify the Animal Reiki symbol with each student’s existing Reiki energy and symbols and allow the practitioner to channel the Animal Reiki energy.
The history of ICRT Animal Reiki.
Animal Reiki defined and discussion of priorities for animals.
The Animal Reiki symbol—The Tree of Life.
Animal Reiki I & II Placements.
Animal Reiki techniques for in-person and distant sessions.
Discussion on giving Animal Reiki full sessions in person or live online.
Review of common healing issues for animals, including disharmony, unfulfilled purpose, loneliness, grief, confusion, illness, compassion fatigue, end of life, animals and children, and behavioral problems.
Distant Animal Reiki techniques for single animals or groups, candidates for distant Reiki, and how to use photos, written notes, Facetime, or live webcams for distant sessions.
How to give Reiki to many species of animals.
Balancing empathy and compassion, compassion fatigue and practitioner self-care, and end-of-life support.
Practice time working with animals in person or online.
Class Certificate and ICRT Class Manual
Prerequisite – Anyone with Reiki II or higher.
Class Hours: Both days are 9 am to 4 pm (Including a one-hour lunch break)
Tuition $495
Early registration is required with a minimum $100 non-refundable deposit.
*The remaining balance of $395 is due at the beginning of class.