Classes Available

Training available at Reiki Renewal

All Levels of Reiki

Reiki is a Japanese relaxation technique that helps to trigger the body’s natural healing response. It helps to heal on a physical, emotional, and spiritual level. It is considered complementary & alternative medicine.

Holy Fire III Reiki® is compatible with all other types of Reiki at every level. This means if you completed Usui Reiki I, you could take Holy Fire Reiki II®.

Everyone can learn Reiki! This is an ancient practice that is used all over the world!



The ThetaHealing® technique is a meditation technique utilizing a spiritual philosophy to improve mind, body, and spirit while getting closer to the Creator of All That Is.

It is a focused prayer to the Creator and allows you to train your mind, body, and spirit to clear limiting beliefs and live life with positive thoughts, developing virtues in all that we do.

Through meditation and prayer, the ThetaHealing® Technique creates a positive lifestyle.


Reiki Training Available

All levels of

Holy Fire III® Reiki, Animal Reiki

Adv. training for Reiki Masters:

Holy Fire III Karuna Reiki®,

Theta Healing Seminars Available

Basic Theta Healing®,

Advanced Theta Healing®,

Dig Deeper (Theta Healing®), and

You and The Creator (Theta Healing®)


**If you have taken a class with Reiki Renewal, you are always welcome to attend the same class in the future if you need to refresh your knowledge or practice at no cost to you. To reserve your spot, please contact Cathy in advance to ensure there is enough room for all participants. However, please make sure you attend if you have confirmed your attendance, as spaces are held upon request.

Hands-On Instruction and Practice

*Masks are no longer required.

 Class Testimonials