Animal Reiki Master
The Animal Reiki energy received in this course is a unique Reiki energy given to us as a special life force energy for the animals. The Placements given in the ICRT Animal Reiki Master class will attune and unify the Animal Reiki symbol with each student’s existing Reiki energy and symbols and allow the practitioner to channel the Animal Reiki energy.
Learn additional practitioner skills to help work with and heal animals using Reiki.
Receive four Ignitions to the Animal Reiki symbol and energy.
Receive and learn the Divine Animal Kingdom Healing Experience and the Whole-Body Listening Experience.
Deepen your experience, knowledge, communion with the animals, the Spirit of the Earth, and the divinity of the Earth.
Learn additional practitioner and Animal Reiki healing tools, including giving Reiki Placements to animals so they receive the Animal Reiki energy for their use.
Receive instruction on how to give Placements for Animal Reiki I & II and four Ignitions for Animal Reiki Master.
Learn how to conduct the Experiences and Invocations.
Have practice time in class.
Tools and techniques for creating and teaching an Animal Reiki class for both in-person and online classes.
Prerequisite – Anyone with Reiki Master and the ICRT Animal Reiki I & II class.
Class Hours: Friday is 5 pm to 7:30 pm, Saturday and Sunday are 9 am to 4 pm (Including a one-hour lunch break)
Tuition $1295
Early registration is required with a minimum $250 non-refundable deposit.
*The remaining balance of $1045 is due at the beginning of class.