Holy Fire III Karuna Reiki - Master Level
Holy Fire® III Karuna Reiki® Training
Class Hours: 9 am to 5 pm (Includes a one-hour lunch break)
3 Day workshop
-This class is the next step after Reiki Master.
-Those who take the course will use the Karuna symbols in their Reiki sessions and teach the complete Holy Fire® III Karuna Reiki® Training.
-You can also teach Reiki I&II, Karuna Reiki Master as Holy Fire® III classes in person.
-It has eight practitioner symbols, one master symbol, four ignitions, and one meditation guided directly by the Holy Fire® energy.
-Both levels of Karuna Reiki® and both Ignitions will be given instruction and practice on using all nine symbols. You will be able to teach both levels after taking this class.
-Class in a combination of lecture, demonstrations, and hands on practice.
-An International Center of Reiki Training certificate and ICRT manual include in-depth descriptions of each symbol and the Ignition process.
-You will also be offered the opportunity to become a "Registered Karuna Reiki® Master" with The International Center for Reiki Training. You will then be able to use ICRT manuals.
Must have been a Reiki master for at least six months.
Must be able to draw Reiki II and master symbols from memory.
Prior classes need to have been in person.
You will be contacted to send in a copy of your Reiki Master certificate at the time of registration.
Tuition $1295
Early registration is required with a minimum $250 non-refundable deposit.
*Remaining balance of $1045 is due at the beginning of class.
Holy Fire® and Karuna Reiki® are registered service marks of William Lee Rand.