Theta Healing Explained
The ThetaHealing® meditation technique was created by Vianna Stibal of Idaho Falls in 1995 during her journey back to health. Her original book details her healing journey and connection to the Creator, utilizing her focused meditation technique.
Using this technique, we can work with a client in a Theta brainwave state to clear limiting beliefs and introduce more productive thought patterns to help change the Client's well-being. The Theta brainwave state is essential because Theta state facilitates deep physical relaxation and mental clarity. Theta brainwave state is the brainwave of those who walk on hot coals without getting burned. In this state, the subconscious can be tapped into and thought patterns are be changed quickly.
It is best to work with the subconscious to achieve long-lasting effects. Your subconscious is always awake and working to keep you safe. It controls 90% of your life. If your subconscious doesn't agree with your conscious, you will unintentionally self-sabotage your efforts. Theta is the state of mind where you can instantly create new thought patterns and change reality.
The process looks like this. The Practitioner and the Client will identify the limiting belief through a series of questions and intuitively. Muscle testing will confirm this is the belief to change. Next, the Practitioner guides the Client on a focused meditation, maintaining the Theta brainwave state to the 7th plane of Existence. The 7th plane of Existence is where beliefs can be pulled, shifted, and created. After the belief is shifted, we re-muscle test to confirm the change in beliefs. The Practitioner and the Client will continue to dig deeper to find any underlying beliefs blocking the complete shift.
Theta Healing is very effective in releasing fear, anger, and resentment. It changes unwanted behaviors and creates a more positive life. If you are interested in trying this technique, schedule an appointment to see how Theta Healing can help you.