Cathy’s Corner
Why Being Grounded is a Good Thing
Are you well-grounded? Do you know what it means to be grounded? This is a discussion with Brenda Winkle about why it is important to be grounded.
Now How Did You Get Into This??
How did you get into this? It is probably not how you expect.
Theta Healing Explained
Your subconscious is always awake and working to keep you safe. It controls 90% of your life. If your subconscious doesn't agree with your conscious, you will unintentionally self-sabotage your efforts. Theta is the state of mind where you can instantly create new thought patterns and change reality.
Reiki or Theta Healing?
I get this question often. Would reiki or theta healing be better for me? It depends on the issue and what your goal is for your situation.